Mrs. Meacham's website is organized with a main page that has letters of the alphabet A to Z, making it easy for you to find tools that you are looking for. When you select a link under a letter of the alphabet, you are re-navigated to documents created by Mrs. Meacham to assist you with becoming an organized educator. She has links covering the following topics:
- Assessments
- Alphabet
- Anchor charts
- Bee Books (student take home folders)
- Book Bins
- Behavior
- Calendar
- Class Blog
- Dr. Seuss
- Delicious
- Emergent
- Forms
- Fine Motor
- Graphing
- Homework
- Handwriting
- Igloo
- Jessica's Faves
- Literacy
- Leveling Books
- Mini Offices
- Math
- 100th Day organizing
And much more! Mrs. Meacham shares worksheets, forms, charts, and documents that she created and gives you the ability to edit them to suit your needs! She also shares her favorite organizing supplies and tells you where you may be able to find them. To put "the icing on the cake," she has cool videos that shows you how she sets up her classroom, and explains why she made the set up decisions that she did from year to year!
Everything is FREE. If you have extra time this summer, and you are looking for ways to become more organized, browse through one of my favorite websites and get inspired, as you "click" your heart out downloading amazing tools! Yay!
To visit Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots click the link below:
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